The enrollment window is open for senior service college selectees who want to attend the two-year Army War College Distance Education Program.

The eligible population for the academic year 2016-2018 program includes all Army Competitive Category and Army Medical Department, Chaplain Corps and Judge Advocate General's Corps officers who were selected as principals and alternates by the senior service college boards that met in fiscal 2015.

The enrollment window for this Military Education Level 1 course closes March 25.

The curriculum, consisting of online and resident phases, closely parallels the academic regimen of the 10-month AWC resident course.

Students will incur a two-year active-duty service obligation upon termination or graduation from the course.

Officers who qualify for the AWCDEP will be sent enrollment invitations by the Human Resources Command or their career management branch.

Voluntary orientation sessions will be conducted May 6-7 and May 13-14 by the AWC at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania. These sessions will provide students with information about the online course delivery system, writing requirements and the curriculum.

An online orientation will be available to officers who cannot attend one of the weekend sessions.

The AWCDEP includes two 14-day resident phases to be conducted during the summers of 2017 and 2018. Students must hold a secret security clearance or higher to attend these mandatory classes.

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