National Guard and Army Reserve company-grade officers of the health services corps will be considered for Reserve of the Army promotions to captain and major by boards that convene April 12.

The basic zones of consideration for the fiscal 2016 boards will include first lieutenants and captains of the Nurse Corps, Dental Corps, Medical Corps, Medical Service Corps, Medical Specialist Corps and Veterinary Corps.

Qualifying dates of rank for the specific zones of consideration are:

Captain Board

National Guard Primary Zone - first lieutenants with O3 dates of rank of Sept. 1, 2011 through Aug. 31, 2012. Lieutenants with DOR of Aug. 31, 2011, and earlier, will be in the above-zone category.

Army Reserve Primary Zone – first lieutenants with O3 DOR of Sept. 1, 2012 through Aug. 31, 2013. Lieutenants with DOR of Aug. 31, 2012, and earlier, will be in the above-zone category.

Major Board

National Guard Primary Zone - captains with DOR of Sept. 1, 2009 through Aug. 31, 2010. Captains with DOR of Aug. 31, 2009, and earlier, will be in the above-zone category.

National Guard Below-Zone – none authorized.

Army Reserve Primary Zone - captains with DOR of Sept. 1, 2009 through Aug. 31, 2010. Captains with DOR of Aug. 31, 2009, and earlier, will be in the above-zone category.

Army Reserve Below-Zone – captains with DOR of Sept. 1, 2010 through Aug. 31, 2011.

Officer evaluation reports submitted for these boards must arrive at the Human Resources Command by April 5. Reports should be submitted on the latest appropriate (grade plate) version of DA Form 67-10 via the Electronic Entry System.

Code 9 complete-the-record reports are authorized for officers who meet the requirements of Army Regulation 623-3 (Evaluation Reporting System). The required thru date for Code 9 reports is Jan. 6, 2016.

The online My Board File record review application will be available to zone-eligible officers Feb. 12-April 5. MBF can be accessed from the "Self-Service" link of the Human Resources Command homepage at

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