The report found that the Navy’s cruiser rehab program has had “weak oversight” and been “plagued with ... delays, wasted costs and poor-quality work.” "Everyone was scared. ... I sometimes think of the people who were there. Dirty GIs. Unshaven. Dirty as the devil. Cold. Miserable." Brig. Gen. Bruce C. Clarke should have been on leave in Paris, enjoying a well-earned break from the nearly constant combat he’d been in since D-Day. By Jerry D. Morelock
5 weeks ago In addition to fears among the youth surveyed, only one in five boys and one in 10 girls could name all six military services. By Hope Hodge Seck
5 weeks ago One of the most important and deadly battles in World War II, the Battle of the Bulge stopped Adolf Hitler’s last-ditch offensive. The uniform highlights the division's actions in World War II's Battle of the Bulge. The squadron is known as one of the most lethal in Navy aviation history. The capabilities are still in the research stages but are showing promise. The AI-driven personnel management system “was the equivalent of having one extra body in that department, saving them approximately 1,000 hours a year." By Hope Hodge Seck
7 weeks ago It's the Army's latest effort to bridge a growing civilian-military divide and stifle the drop in the number of Americans serving in the military. Load More