First Judicial Circuit (Northeast and mid-Atlantic states)
Fort McNair, Washington, D.C., Jan. 6:
Name: Not provided (captain)
Acquittal: By a military panel composed of officer members of one specification of violation of a lawful general order, two specifications of rape, and one specification of adultery.
Langley Air Force Base, Virginia, Jan. 7:
Name: Not provided (private)
Acquittal: By a military panel composed of officer and enlisted members of two specifications of sexual assault.
Fort McNair, Jan. 8:
Name: Sgt. 1st Class Scott E. Kissell
Conviction: By a military judge, pursuant to his pleas, of one specification of committing a lewd act with a child, four specifications of making an indecent visual recording of another, two specifications of wrongful possession of child pornography and one specification of wrongful production of child pornography.
Acquittal: One specification of committing a lewd act with a child and one specification of wrongful production of child pornography.
Sentence: Reduced to the grade of E-1, confined for 32 years, dishonorable discharge. As part of an offer to plead guilty, a pre-trial agreement limited confinement to 18 years.
Fort Campbell, Kentucky, Jan. 11:
Name: Master Sgt. Karren J. Cooper
Conviction: By a military judge, contrary to her pleas, of three specifications of failure to go to her appointed place of duty, one specification of absence without leave and two specifications of disrespect toward a superior commissioned officer.
Acquittal: Eight specifications of failure to go to her appointed place of duty and one specification of false official statement.
Sentence: Reduced to the grade of E-5, forfeit $1,000 pay per month for two months.
West Point, New York, Jan. 20:
Name: Not provided (U.S. Military Academy cadet)
Acquittal: By a military panel composed of officer members of two specifications of sexual assault.
Second Judicial Circuit (Southeast)
Fort Bragg, North Carolina, Jan. 4:
Name: Staff Sgt. Colin M. Stroh
Conviction: By a military judge, pursuant to his pleas, of one specification of violating a lawful general order, one specification of failure to report and turn over abandoned property and one specification of wrongful possession of a firearm.
Sentence: Reduced the grade of E-4, confined for 12 months.
Fort Jackson, South Carolina, Jan. 27:
Name: Not provided (staff sergeant)
Acquittal: By a military panel composed of officer and enlisted members of three specifications of sexual assault.
![Army releases results of December courts-martial [oembed : 80621560] [oembed : 80621560] [oembed : 80621560] [oembed : 80621560]](/Portals/_default/Skins/PrestoLegacy/CommonCss/images/smartembed.png)
Third Judicial Circuit (Southwest and Midwest)
Fort Hood, Texas, Jan. 5:
Name: Spc. Rhone R. Robbins
Conviction: By a military judge, pursuant to his plea, of one specification of desertion.
Sentence: Confined for 100 days, bad-conduct discharge. As part of an offer to plead guilty, a pre-trial agreement limited confinement to 60 days.
Fort Hood, Jan. 6:
Name: Not provided (specialist)
Acquittal: By a military judge of one specification of sexual assault and one specification of abusive sexual contact.
Fort Hood, Jan. 8:
Name: Staff Sgt. John T. Cowan
Conviction: By a military judge, pursuant to his pleas, of one specification of maltreatment and two specifications of assault consummated by battery.
Sentence: Reduced to the grade of E-1, confined for 11 months, bad-conduct discharge.
Fort Riley, Kansas, Jan. 11:
Name: Pvt. Wayne T. Sookram
Conviction: By a military judge, pursuant to his pleas, of one specification of absence without leave, one specification of abusive sexual contact and three specifications of larceny.
Sentence: Forfeit $1,556 pay for a month, confined for 34 months, dishonorable discharge. As part of an offer to plead guilty, a pre-trial agreement limited confinement to 20 months.
Fort Riley, Jan. 13:
Name: Sgt. Nicholas S. Conkey
Conviction: By a military judge, pursuant to his pleas, of two specifications of false official statement, one specification of wrongful possession of child pornography and one specification of wrongful distribution of child pornography.
Sentence: Reduced to the grade of E-1, confined for 66 months, dishonorable discharge. As part of an offer to plead guilty, a pre-trial agreement limited confinement to 40 months.
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, Jan. 20:
Name: Pfc. Timothy A. Petroshus
Conviction: By a military judge, pursuant to his pleas, of two specifications of disobeying a superior commissioned officer. Contrary to his pleas, the accused was convicted of one specification of disobeying a superior commissioned officer, one specification of distribution of a Schedule II controlled substance, and one specification of larceny of military property.
Acquittal: Two specifications sexual assault and one specification of adultery.
Sentence: Reduced to the grade of E-1, confined for 180 days, bad-conduct discharge.
Fort Riley, Jan. 21:
Name: Pfc. Tyre L. Taylor
Conviction: By a military judge, pursuant to his pleas, of two specifications of absence without leave and one specification of obstruction of justice.
Sentence: Reduced to the grade of E-1, hard labor without confinement for 75 days, confined for 10 days, bad-conduct discharge.
Fort Hood, Jan. 22:
Name: Pfc. Elbin Lopez Jr.
Conviction: By a military judge, pursuant to his pleas, of two specifications of desertion.
Sentence: Reduced to the grade of E-1, confined for seven months, bad-conduct discharge. As part of an offer to plead guilty, a pre-trial agreement limited confinement to 100 days.
Fort Sill, Oklahoma, Jan. 22:
Name: Capt. Kaitlin E. Shave
Conviction: By a military judge, pursuant to her pleas, of 12 specifications of failure to report and two specifications of wrongful use of a Schedule II controlled substance.
Sentence: Forfeit all pay and allowances, confined for nine months, dismissal from service. As part of an offer to plead guilty, a pre-trial agreement limited confinement to 6 months.
Fort Sam Houston, Texas, Jan. 22:
Name: Sgt. 1st Class Billy J. Smith.
Conviction: By a military judge, contrary to his pleas, of one specification of attempted forcible sodomy of a child, one specification of indecent liberty with a child, one specification of aggravated sexual abuse of a child, two specifications of sexual abuse of a child and eight specifications of forcible sodomy of a child.
Acquittal: One specification of conspiracy to commit sex-related offenses with a child, four specifications of indecent liberty with a child, two specifications of aggravated sexual abuse of a child, three specifications of rape of a child, one specification of sexual abuse of a child, five specifications of forcible sodomy of a child and two specifications of assault consummated by battery upon a child.
Sentence: Confined for 25 years, dishonorable discharge.
Fort Hood, Jan. 25:
Name: Pvt. Deseray Trimble
Conviction: By a military judge, pursuant to her plea, of one specification of assault consummated by a battery upon a child.
Sentence: Forfeit all pay and allowances, confined for eight months, bad-conduct discharge. As part of an offer to plead guilty, a pre-trial agreement limited confinement to six months.
Fort Polk, Louisiana, Jan. 26:
Name: Sgt. Christian E. Smith
Conviction: By military judge, pursuant to his pleas, of one specification of breach of the peace, one specification of aggravated assault, one specification of communicating a threat and one specification of drunk and disorderly conduct.
Sentence: Reduced to the grade of E-3, confined for 21 days.
Fort Hood, Jan. 26:
Name: Pvt. Ryan S. Suleski
Conviction: By a military judge, pursuant to his plea, of one specification of absence without leave.
Sentence: Reduced to the grade of E-1, confined for 11 months, bad-conduct discharge. As part of an offer to plead guilty, a pre-trial agreement limited confinement to 90 days.
Fort Hood, Jan. 28:
Name: Spc. Donovan J. Crittendon
Conviction: By a military judge, pursuant to his pleas, of one specification of willfully disobeying a superior commissioned officer, one specification of striking a superior noncommissioned officer, two specifications of disrespect to a superior noncommissioned officer and one specification of assault consummated by battery.
Sentence: Reduced to the grade of E-1, confined for 90 days, bad-conduct discharge.
Fort Hood, Jan. 28:
Name: Spc. Joshua A. Kundradurham
Conviction: By a military judge, pursuant to his plea, of one specification of absence without leave.
Sentence: Confined for 100 days, bad-conduct discharge. As part of an offer to plead guilty, a pre-trial agreement limited confinement to 90 days.
Fort Hood, Jan. 29:
Name: Sgt. Cassidey A. Gainesfrierson
Conviction: By a military panel composed of officer and enlisted members, contrary to her pleas, of one specification of aggravated assault and one specification of assault consummated by battery.
Acquittal: One specification of aggravated assault.
Sentence: Reduced to the grade of E-2, confined for 90 days.
Fort Hood, Jan. 29:
Name: Spc. Jesse A. Saucedo
Conviction: By a military judge, pursuant to his plea, of one specification of wrongful use of a controlled substance. Contrary to his plea, the accused was convicted of one specification of wrongful distribution of a controlled substance.
Acquittal: One specification of conspiracy to distribute a controlled substance.
Sentence: Reduced to the grade of E-1, confined for 120 days, bad-conduct discharge.
Fourth Judicial Circuit (Far East and Far West)
Fort Bliss, Jan. 4:
Name: Pfc. Lawrence S. Paxton
Conviction: By a military judge, pursuant to his pleas, of one specification of conspiracy to distribute cocaine, one specification of wrongful introduction of cocaine onto a military installation with the intent to distribute, one specification of wrongful possession of ecstasy with intent to distribute, two specifications of wrongful distribution of cocaine, one specification of wrongful distribution of ecstasy, two specifications of wrongful use of ecstasy and two specifications of wrongful use of cocaine.
Sentence: Reduced to the grade of E-1, forfeit $1,000 pay per month for six months, confined for six months.
Fort Wainwright, Alaska, Jan. 6:
Name: Spc. Maurice A. Turner
Conviction: By a military judge, contrary to his pleas, of one specification of rape.
Acquittal: One specification of rape and three specifications of sexual assault.
Sentence: Reduced to the grade of E-1, confined for 36 months, dishonorable discharge.
Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, Jan. 6:
Name: Spc. Michael R. Wiedemann
Conviction: By military judge, pursuant to his plea, of one specification of committing a lewd act with a child.
Sentence: Reduced to the grade of E-1, confined for eight months, bad-conduct discharge.
Fort Carson, Colorado, Jan. 7:
Name: Staff Sgt. Stephen M. Williams
Conviction: By a military judge, contrary to his pleas, of one specification of absence without leave terminated by apprehension and one specification of larceny.
Acquittal: One specification of larceny of military property.
Sentence: Reduced to the grade of E-1, confined for 18 months, bad-conduct discharge.
Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington, Jan. 8:
Name: Not provided (staff sergeant)
Acquittal: By a military panel composed of officer and enlisted members of four specifications of sexual assault of a child and one specification of forcible sodomy of a child.
Army Garrison Yongsan, South Korea, Jan. 12:
Name: Staff Sgt. Kenneth S. Clark
Conviction: By a military judge, pursuant to his pleas, of one specification of larceny of military property.
Sentence: Reduced to the grade of E-4, forfeit $1,200 pay per month for three months, confined for three months. As part of an offer to plead guilty, a pre-trial agreement limited confinement to 75 days.
Fort Wainwright, Jan. 12:
Name: Pfc. Lucas J. Nadler
Conviction: By a military judge, pursuant to his pleas, of two specifications of absence without leave, seven specifications of failure to report, one specification of failure to obey a lawful order, one specification of false official statement and one specification of larceny.
Sentence: Reduced to the grade of E-1, confined for seven months, bad-conduct discharge. As part of an offer to plead guilty, a pre-trial agreement limited confinement to six months.
Fort Shafter, Hawaii, Jan. 13:
Name: Not provided (specialist)
Acquittal: By a military panel composed of officer and enlisted members of three specifications of false official statement, two specifications of sexual assault and one specification of making an indecent visual recording of another without consent.
Fort Bliss, Jan. 14:
Name: Master Sgt. Carolyn D. Bradford
Conviction: By a military panel composed of officer and enlisted members, contrary to her pleas, of two specifications of failure to obey a lawful general order and one specification of larceny.
Acquittal: Six specifications of larceny.
Sentence: Reduced to the grade of E-7, forfeit $3,374 pay per month for six months.
Army Garrison Yongsan, Jan. 15:
Name: Lt. Col. Halbert Brown
Conviction: By a military panel composed of officer members, contrary to his pleas, of three specifications of false official statement, two specifications of larceny of military property and one specification of fraud against the U.S.
Acquittal: Two specifications of forgery.
Sentence: Reprimand, fined $20,000, confined for two years if fine is not paid.
Wheeler Army Airfield, Hawaii, Jan. 15:
Name: Staff Sgt. Travis J. Cameron
Conviction: By a military panel composed of officer members, contrary to his plea, of one specification of wrongful use of a Schedule IV controlled substance.
Sentence: Reduced to the grade of E-5.
Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Jan. 15:
Name: Spc. Dion O. Hawkins
Conviction: By a military judge, pursuant to his pleas, of one specification of absence without leave and one specification of wrongful use of marijuana.
Sentence: Reduced to the grade of E-1, confined for 60 days.
Fort Bliss, Jan. 21:
Name: Staff Sgt. Allan S. Barayuga
Conviction: By a military panel composed of officer and enlisted members, contrary to his pleas, of one specification of false official statement, one specification of aggravated sexual contact of a child and one specification of sexual abuse of a child.
Sentence: Confined for 15 years, dishonorable discharge.
Fort Carson, Jan. 22:
Name: Not provided (sergeant)
Acquittal: By a military panel composed of officer and enlisted members of one specification of attempted aggravated sexual assault, two specifications of abusive sexual contact and two specifications of assault consummated by battery.
Army Garrison Yongsan, Jan. 22:
Name: Not provided (private)
Acquittal: By a military panel composed of officer and enlisted members of one specification of false official statement and five specifications of aggravated assault.
Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Jan. 22:
Name: Sgt. Shquon T. Hodge
Conviction: By a military judge, pursuant to his pleas, of three specifications of maltreatment and two specifications of false official statement.
Sentence: Reduced to the grade of E-1, confined for 75 days, bad-conduct discharge.
Fort Carson, Jan. 25:
Name: Sgt. Eric M. Nazimuddin.
Conviction: By a military judge, pursuant to his plea, of one specification of absence without leave terminated by apprehension.
Sentence: Confined for four months, bad-conduct discharge.
Camp Henry, South Korea, Jan. 26:
Name: Not provided (private)
Acquittal: By a military panel composed of officer and enlisted members of one specification of sexual assault.
Wheeler Army Airfield, Jan. 27:
Name: Staff Sgt. Mary Eller
Conviction: One specification of dereliction of duty and one specification of false official statement.
Sentence: Reduced to the grade of E-4, hard labor without confinement for 45 days, confined for 15 days, reprimand.
Fort Bliss, Jan. 28:
Name: Sgt. Jason P. Dirocco
Conviction: By a military judge, pursuant to his pleas, of two specifications of larceny of military property.
Sentence: Reduced to the grade of E-1, confined for four months, bad-conduct discharge.
Camp Zama, Japan, Jan. 28:
Name: Pfc. Lafabien A. Hicks
Conviction: By a military judge, pursuant to his pleas, of one specification of resisting apprehension, one specification of wrongfully using provoking words and one specification of assault upon a person in the execution of law enforcement duties.
Sentence: Reduced to the grade of E-2, forfeit $1,000 pay per month for two months, confined for 20 days.
Fifth Judicial Circuit (Europe and Southwest Asia)
Kaiserslautern, Germany, Jan. 8:
Name: Pfc. Tischare D. Walker
Conviction: By a military judge, pursuant to his pleas, of one specification of false official statement, one specification of assault consummated by a battery, one specification of unlawful entry and one specification of kidnapping.
Sentence: Confined for five months, bad-conduct discharge.
Vicenza, Italy, Jan. 25:
Name: Pvt. Alonzo F. Colon
Conviction: By a military judge, pursuant to his pleas, of one specification of disrespect toward a superior commissioned officer, one specification of false official statement, one specification of willful damage of military property, one specification of assault consummated by battery, four specifications of aggravated assault and one specification of drunk and disorderly conduct.
Sentence: Confined for five months, bad-conduct discharge.
Kaiserslautern, Jan. 29:
Name: Spc. Ricardo A. Morales
Conviction: By a military panel composed of officer and enlisted members, contrary to his pleas, of one specification of sexual assault.
Acquittal: One specification of aggravated sexual assault, one specification of abusive sexual contact, one specification of rape, two specifications of forcible sodomy and three specifications of assault consummated by battery.
Sentence: Confined for eight years, dishonorable discharge.