When the Army unveiled its Security Force Assistance Brigade plan in 2017, leaders laid out a program that would include five active duty brigades and one manned by the Army National Guard.
The Guard, according to its website, is getting ready to fill those spots.
Dubbed the 54th Security Force Assistance Brigade, according to the site, it will have six battalions in five southern and Midwestern states. That name, however, is apparently pre-decisional.
“Official naming decisions for the ARNG SFAB are still being staffed for approval through Army senior leadership,” according to Lt. Col. Wes Parmer, a spokesman for the Army National Guard.
The 6th SFAB, as Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley has called it, will be organized as such:
- Headquarters and Headquarters Company at Stout Field Armory in Indianapolis, Indiana.
- 1st Battalion (Infantry) at Columbus Armory in Columbus, Georgia.
- 2nd Battalion (Infantry) in Pinellas Park, Florida.
- 3rd Battalion (Cavalry) in Gainesville, Florida.
- 4th Battalion (Field Artillery) at Dallas Red Bird Readiness Center in Dallas, Texas.
- 5th Battalion (Engineering) at Defense Supply Center Columbus in Columbus, Ohio.
- 6th Battalion (Support) at Rock Island Arsenal in Rock Island, Illinois.

Like members of the active duty SFAB, volunteer soldiers will attend Military Adviser Training at Fort Benning, Georgia, to receive specialized training, as well as cultural and language education.
The brigades are staffed by NCOs and post-command officers, with stringent requirements. Soldiers have to score at least 240 on the Army Physical Fitness Test ― minimum 70 points on each event ― and be in a deployable status, have a Military Physical Profile Serial System below 111221, a secret clearance and be able to pass a personnel file check.
Both adviser and non-adviser, support role positions are open, according to the site.

A commander or command sergeant major will interview advisers, while non-advisers will complete a two-day assessment of their physical fitness and leadership skills, as well as an essay, peer evaluations and a five-mile ruck march.
Interested soldiers can reach out to their local SFAB recruiters, per the site.
To date, the Army has deployed 1st SFAB from Fort Benning and stood up 2nd SFAB at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The following three brigades will be headquartered at Fort Carson, Colorado, Joint Base Lewis McChord, Washington, and Fort Hood, Texas.
Meghann Myers is the Pentagon bureau chief at Military Times. She covers operations, policy, personnel, leadership and other issues affecting service members.