In addition to beefing up five understrength branches, the Army is also looking for transfers into four functional area jobs.
It's the Army's latest effort to bridge a growing civilian-military divide and stifle the drop in the number of Americans serving in the military.
Maj. Kate Rubins joins the rare ranks of a handful of soldiers who have earned the right to wear the Army Aviation Badge with the Astronaut Device.
Sgt. Joelle Pamplona drowned while snorkeling in rough surf with two friends who survived.
Maj. Gen. Joseph Lestorti continues to serve and has been selected for a follow on assignment.
The pair also took explicit photos of other soldiers without their consent.
A wheelbarrow-like cart cut an 8-minute job to under a minute.
The general, whose career has been defined by special operations, has been tapped to lead a conventional deterrence mission.
The U.S. has picked a location to restart its TNT production domestically as it races to ramp up 155mm production.
The alleged crimes took place between 2019 and 2023 in the Washington, D.C., area, officials said.
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