Our selection committee has learned that no matter what movies you include, you can't please everyone.

Military Times Executive Editor Alex Neill, head of our newsroom, shares a list of film favorites he feels should have been included in the bracket. Send your list of snubs to milmovies@militarytimes.com. Tell us why the films are your favorites, and we'll put the best critiques together for a follow-up piece during the voting.

So much for that raise

The boss man's favorites:

Au Revoir Les Enfants
Breaker Morant
Cold Mountain
Doctor Zhivago
Europa Europa
Hell in the Pacific
Henry V
PT 109
Schindler's List
Sophie's Choice
The Battle of Algiers
The Best Years of Our Lives
The Boy in Striped Pajamas
The Flight of the Phoenix
The Pianist
The Thin Red Line
War Horse

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